Thursday, March 31, 2016


Our latest class assignment required us to use green screen! Personally I was excited because I know how fascinating green screens actually are. I chose to do A Different World for my green screen project because it's a show that I love and it inspired me to attend an HBCU. Above is my final project featuring two of my amazing classmates! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Six Seconds of Fame!

This week we dabbled in Vine, an app that allows you to make 6 second videos! I hope you enjoy mine! 

When your bank account says NO!!!!!!

Who are you voting for?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hilary Clinton Visits South Carolina State University

On February 26, 2016 Hilary Clinton visited the campus of South Carolina State University to persuade students to cast their vote for her on Saturday February 27. The “Breaking Down Barriers” rally was held at 3:45pm in Dukes Gymnasium. Doors opened at 3:15pm and the Orangeburg community quickly filled the gym.

 (Sapphire Pom Squad)

Hilary Clinton had familiar faces such as Starr Jones, Karen Civil, K. Michelle and Congressman Jim Clyburn speak on her policies and her as an individual before she entered the stage. “44 boys is enough, it’s time for madam president” said Starr Jones. As Congressman Jim Clyburn gave his speech he reminded the audience of what she has done for the United States without having the role as President “No one has run for president with such an extensive résumé.” 

 (Starr Jones)
 (Karen Civil)
(K. Michelle)

Majority of students entered the rally undecided, however after hearing her policies some decision were made that very moment. “Personally I felt like she did a wonderful job getting her point across, it didn’t feel like it was rehearsed it was very personal. I came here undecided but now I’m leaning more toward Hilary. She made great talking points that I can relate to especially health care and trying to get out of school without debt.” London Knight Senior.              (Congressmen Jim Clyburn) 

                                                                                  The Breaking Down Barriers Rally had a very good turn out, students were star struck when given the opportunity to get selfies with Hilary Clinton and K Michelle. Hilary Clinton is now preparing for her campaign trail for Super Tuesday.

Destinee Chambliss, K. Michelle and Myself

Destinee Chambliss, Myself and Hilary Clinton

Have you pinned today?

What is Pinterest?

"Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as 'pinning' on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned" 

Pinterest has more than 12 million users in the United States. It is now the third most visited websites. The most popular category on Pinterest is the "food and drink" with 11.9 percent of pins, followed by "DIY" (Do It Yourself) and crafts’ 9.2 percent and "home décor" 5.9 percent. 

How do business benefit from Pinterest? 

  • 25% of Fortune Global 100 companies have Pinterest accounts.
  • Pinterest pins with prices get 36% more likes than those without.
  • 43% of Pinterest members agree that they use Pinterest to “associate with retailers or brands with which I identify”, compared to just 24% of Facebook users who agree to the same use with Facebook.
  • The survey, which interviewed 7,431 online buyers from August 9 to 17 2012, also found that significantly more online consumers agree that Pinterest is a place to “get inspiration on what to buy” and “help keep track of or collect things I like.”
My views on Pinterest!

I love Pinterest! Any potential project that I may have questions about it, I am able to find a solution on Pinterest. I have a total of 35 boards ranging in topics from hair, nails, food, fashion and work out tips to name a few. If I'm trying to find a last minute do it yourself gift, or a new recipe I am able to locate it on Pinterest! So if you don't have one, then what are you waiting for?! Let's start pinning!